The Diezel VH4 is one of the most loved high gain metal amps in the world. It's four channel design has found its way in to studios around the world becoming a go to amp for a lot of metal bands. Now the incredibly powerful channel three from the VH4 is not available in this single pedal that can either go straight in to the front of your amp or in to the power amp section acting as a standalone preamp.
So Much Power
While the VH4 does indeed have a fourth even heavier channel than the third channel this pedal is based on it has all of the gain you will ever need. Turned down low this pedal goes from a saturated mid gain sound all the way up to screaming solo heaven that only gets better when matched up with a classic green boost pedal.
VH4 Control Scheme
With some amp style overdrive pedals they often miss off a lot of the controls that give that pedal character. The VH4 does not with a full 3 band EQ like you find in the preamp section on top of the Deep and Presence controls that are normally part of the power amp section. These are part of what made up the signature Diezel sound so it only makes sense that they are here on this pedal.
Preamp or Overdrive Pedal?
Because this pedal is made in a very similar way to the original preamp in the actual amp it can be used as either an overdrive pedal or as a preamp to feed in to your amps power section. The benefit here is that by going direct in to the power amp you get all of the great Diezel tone uncoloured by your own amplifiers clean channel.